Tuesday, July 18, 2006

News from Mexico
Well, it’s been awhile since we’ve filled you in on our activities. We had a very active Christmas season with all the kids doing a great job participating in our musical performances and shows so we took them on a little getaway. We spent a few days in beautiful Ixtapa on Mexico’s west coast. The weather was gorgeous, and we all enjoyed the beaches, restaurants, and people.
Here, Cathy (right) and Tara (lower left) board a motor boat that took us to a scenic island about 15 minutes away.
Approaching the island.
Stephanie (back) and Tara (front) explore a rocky area with a friend.
Enjoying a meal with friends.
In Oaxtepec, I performed with many of my old friends, and some new ones, for a four day Christian retreat. In addition to the music, there were End-time Bible studies, current events classes, and seminars.

Our son, John David, (right of guitar player) was the drummer for the event.

On stage and in action!

Together with most of these musicians we’re working on a Latin CD, which will feature salsa, merengue, and other dance styles.

People the Lord Has Brought Across Our Path
Carol would like to share some experiences we’ve had with people over the last months. We’re always amazed at the way God leads us to these people and how our prayers are answered.
Fighting Depression
I had met Julia at a friend’s house last year, and after getting to know her a bit, she explained to me that she has severe problems with depression. She had received Jesus some years before and so I offered to pray with her for the Lord to heal and deliver her from this depression. When I returned to Houston this year, I ran into her at my friend’s house again, and she approached me and said: Do you remember me? I am Julia, you prayed for me last year to be delivered from depression and I have had no reoccurring symptoms since.” I was so inspired to see proof of the Lord's healing in her eyes!
Special Delivery Prayer
Ken and I were in Mail Box Etc. two weeks ago to get a document notarized when Song, a Fed Ex man who works there, came in and started to talk about his two-week-old baby who contracted chicken pox from his wife when she was pregnant.
He was saying that the doctors weren't giving the baby much of a chance to live, and that he felt so sorry for his wife as well since she had just lost her father six months prior. Ken and I asked the man if we could pray for him and his family. So, we all joined hands there, and prayed for little baby Christian, his wife and family. Afterwards we hugged him and he went on his way.
We don’t know how things turned out, but we believe that the Lord had us there at the exact time that he showed up because we kept making errors with our paper work, and had we not; we would have already been gone. Thank the Lord that He kept us there for someone who needed prayer.
Prayer for a Little Boy
Almost one year ago a friend of mine confided in me about her 1 ½-year- old son whom the doctors said had an incurable genetic disease. I was in Mexico at the time and so when I came up to the States for a visit, I went to see her. We both cried as she explained just what the doctors had said. I shared with my friend that we had already prayed for her son, and that we were expecting God to do a miracle and nothing less. At the time we prayed, my son, Michael (16), received the story from the Bible about the centurion who asked Jesus to heal his son who was at the point of death. Jesus told him to go his way and that his son would live. The centurion returned home and found that his son had recovered. When the centurion asked what time it was when he felt better, his servant told him the time and he realized that it was at the exact time that Jesus had told him to go his way for his son would live.

Well, wouldn't you know it, but a few months later my friend e-mailed me to say that the doctors were baffled, because now her son is fine and doesn't have even a trace of the disease at all. Wow! What an answer to prayer. Jesus the wonderful physician was near!

Well, that about wraps it up for now. We’ll try to keep you updated more often in the future. Hope to hear from you!

Ken, Carol, and Kids

Our address in the States:

Ken Paone
P.O. Box 670181
Dallas, TX 75367


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