Saturday, December 09, 2006

Our Latest Christmas Show and News

Click here to see a 7 minute video clip of our Christmas Show

On our way down to Mexico City from Houston at the beginning of September, we arrived in Monterrey late at night and were unable to find our friend’s house where we were to stay.

We met a very precious family that opened their doors to us and took us in! Thanks Graciela! We appreciate your hospitality.

In October, my son, John, and I performed for a Teen retreat that was held for about 150 young people in a nearby city.

Carol and I did a little recording in the studio too.

This year Christmas started even earlier than last year. We did our first show on November 9th at a large shopping mall for the lighting of the Christmas tree. Carol, Michael, Cathy, Tara, and I joined forces with another family and prepared a variety show with choreographed dances, instrumental numbers, solos, and group singing. We even threw in some breakdancing and rap in our Christmas numbers. (Click here to see a 7 minute video segment)

We’ll be returning there right before Christmas to do a couple more shows.

Carol sings for the crowd at our first Christmas show

Ken on sax with Carol singing "Contigo en la Distancia."

Cathy (second from left) and Tara (right)

People the Lord Has Brought Across Our Path

Recently in a shoe store, Carol met the owner who was sitting there reading the Bible. He explained to her that he’d been having a lot of problems in his life and so he was reading the Bible searching for answers.

Not only had his mother just had a heart operation but his family has been the target of threatening phone calls since they are somewhat wealthy. One caller demanded money saying that her son had been kidnapped. They made sounds in the background as if he were being tortured. At the time, she had no way of knowing if he was safe or not. It was all just a put on as he was perfectly fine.

He eagerly prayed with Carol to receive Jesus as he broke down crying. We’ll be going back to visit our new friend share more from the Word with him.

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One day as Ken and I were on a walk in a nearby park, we saw a woman that was walking the in the opposite direction. Every few steps she would hold on to a tree then walk some more and then hold on to another tree.

I became concerned as I thought that she was ill and might fall. I watched her as I continued my walk, and I noticed that she sat down on a park bench and put her head in her hands.

I decided to go find out if she was okay. As I approached the woman, I noticed she was crying. When I asked her if she was alright, right away she told me that she was battling depression because her husband had passed away.

I sat next to her and asked her if she would like to pray with me and ask God to help her. She said yes, so I proceeded to pray for her. What happened next was amazing as the Lord showed me he had died of a sickness and that that sickness was cancer. He said this because He wanted her to believe that He was nearby watching out for her and her children.

So, when we were done praying I asked her if her husband had been sick to which she responded yes. Then I asked her if he had died of cancer to which she answered in amazement, “Yes, he did.” I then told her that the Lord loves her very much and that He is looking out for her and her children.


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